Every pastor that works with youth wants to find ways to connect with kids while teaching. It isn’t easy being in youth ministry and we all need tools and practical suggestions to find new ways to hold attention and make connection. Here are a few practical ways that you can step into the world of your youth and meet them where they are.
Live in My Light
But if we live in the light, as God does, we share in life with each other. And the blood of His son washes all our sins away.
1John 1:7
When you carry around sins, it is like carrying a backpack filled with rocks. The rocks are called shame, guilt, self-pity, jealousy, and even hatred. As times goes on, your pack gets heavier and heavier, pulling you down.
Give it to Me, all of it. Tell me your sins and hand over that back pack. I want to dump out all the heavy rocks. Then I want to fill your back pack up again with love, mercy, joy, and peace. Instead of weighing you down, these things will lift you up and make your journey easier.
Don’t be embarrassed to bring your sins to me. I already know all about them, and I’m just waiting to forgive you. That is why I died on the cross-to take the punishment for your sins. Don’t live in the darkness of sin. Live in the light of My forgiveness.
Read on your own
Isaiah 61:10; John 8:12
Article written by Sarah Young
Puzzle Pieces
Puzzle Pieces
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:9 (NKJV)
I gave you amazing mind. With it you can think great thoughts and dream great dreams. But My mind is infinitely bigger and more amazing. My thoughts contain all of creation and the universe, all of the past, present, and future. And because I understand all things and all times, My thoughts and My ways are different from yours.
Life can be like a box of puzzle pieces- with the box top missing. When you look around at your life, all you can see are the pieces. But I see the final picture. I know how to join together all the jagged pieces of hurts and disappointments, plus the smooth pieces of victories and Joys.
Trust My timing and My ways. Trust Me to fit all your pieces together into a wonderful life. And trust Me-at the end of your life-to lead you home to heaven
Read Isaiah 55:8; psalm 73:23-24