About guarding your tongue…
Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Everyone uses words to communicate. Some of us love to use words, but what words are we going to use? Every day we can use words to give others life. We can use words to give others hope. We can use words to give others joy. We can use words to tell others how much we love them. We can use words to tell others we accept them and we forgive them. Our world is filled with words of death, hatred, ego, greed, and lust. We must use Christ’s words of light to counter the words of darkness filling up our world.
The words we send out come back to us. The words we send out can store up treasures for us in heaven or dig our grave so deep down our grave descends into the pits of Satan’s hell. What we send out in words has consequences for others and for ourselves…eternal consequences for others and for ourselves. What kind of words will you send out today and in the days to come?