Word of the Day


  1. Rebellious Attitude: This kind of attitude leads people to be unteachable, critical of leadership, defensive to correction, and prideful when dealing with.
  2. Socially-Weirdy Attitude: A weirdy is someone that cannot have a normal conversation without others feeling awkward. Sometimes it manifests in “over-sensitive emotions,” talking to much about one’s self, long periods of silence, and desire for “clingy-co-dependent-friendships.”
  3. Perverted Attitude: Everything turns into a sexually slanted conversation. Guys mostly struggle with this, but this could also be seen with a woman who may think that every guy in the church is trying to hit on her.
  4. False Prophet Attitude: This person believes that everything they “feel” God tells them is always to obeyed by others (including leadership) without question. They think they are above rebuke and correction because they believe those who don’t see things the way they do is because others are not as “spiritual” as them.
  5. Know-It-All Attitude: The know it all always has to let everyone know what they know. They have to have the last word in every conversation, make the most comments in small group, and take forever to convince they need to learn something new.
  6. Controlling Attitude: This person is not happy unless everything in the church is done their way. They can’t compromise or remain silent when they disagree with something. They need to remain in control and let everyone around them know if they’re not happy.
  7. Victim Attitude: The victim believes that what the church is doing for everyone else will not work for them because they are too messed up. They think that their past, current problems, or issues always need special attention because unless they have everyone’s attention they think nobody loves them.
  8. Quitting Attitude: The quitter cannot stick with discipleship or the church because every time things get hard they quit and blame it on someone or something else.
  9. Self-Centered Attitude: This person cannot serve, make sacrifices, or think about what’s going on in the big picture of the church. Everything in the church is about them, their family, and needs.
  10. Luke Warm Attitude: They don’t want to be challenged or expected to grow. They just want to be left alone and made to feel comfortable with their current walk with God.