Word of the day

When Fishermen Don’t Fish Matthew 4:18-20
Marking the beginning of a lifetime of service and followship Jesus said to Simon Peter and Andrew, 

“Come, follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men.” Jesus is the Ultimate fisherman! His Whole life is devoted to fishing. Luke 19:10 – “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” We must understand that the entire Purpose for which Christ came to earth-to seek and to save! Not comfort, happiness, contentment, wealth, or power. To Sum Up Jesus’ purpose for existing on Earth it was “to seek and to save” 


When Fishermen Don’t Fish, They: 1. Fight (Matt 20:20-24) mother of 2 disciples asks for seating order in heaven

Describe-Old fashioned power struggle! Disciples not concerned with Fishing for men or winning the Lost! Disciples concerned with power, control, territory, and prestige.

Do you want to know whether a church is fishing and following Christ? Look at how much fighting is going on (Barometer to Church). If fussing and fighting, bickering, hard feelings, hurt feelings are the norm then the church has lost its focus! 


When Fishermen Don’t Fish, they not only Fight, they Flee 2. Flee (Matt 26:69-75) Peters Denial of Jesus at trial

Peter ran when times got Hard or there was Persecution! (Things didn’t go like he planned, Lost sight of purpose and ran!) 

To often the Church does the same!

When we lose sight of our call to fish for men we Flee from every little problem! Little things make us cut and run! We can’t stand adversity because we’ve lost sight of our purpose. 



When fishermen don’t fish, not only do they Fight and Flee, but they: 3. Forget (John 21:1-3) The disciples went fishing and forgot Jesus words

After all Jesus had taught Peter! After all the miracles he’d seen He forgot everything and said, 

“I’m going out to fish” 

The Fisher of Men had once again become just a fisherman! When Fishermen don’t fish, they forget the things of God! Their wants become more important than God’s will! Their desires become paramount to God’s decrees!