Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.-Proverbs 4:27 NIV
There’s no one better at it than the devil. He’ll parade the most impressive material things in front of us to distract us from the ultimate mission God has for our lives. I believe there are three ways that the devil tries to distract us: Emotional distractions — An emotional distraction is something that gets you all worked up, but it really doesn’t have anything to do with that which is eternal. Anything in your life that is pulling you away from intimacy with Jesus is a distraction from the enemy. Opportunity distractions — Not all opportunities are of God. Too many times the devil dangles a golden carrot in front of us; he paints a beautiful portrait of prosperity somewhere else, and we forget about what God is doing right where we are. People distractions — Do not allow the wrong people to distract you from what God has told you and called you to do. Even the right people can cause distractions and steal your attention: interruptions, crises, disagreements, phone calls, e-mails, text messages, Twitter, Facebook.
What distractions are in your life today?