Choose Your Friends
A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.
Proverbs 12:26, NIV
Flee from ungodly company, as it is most harmful to the power of holiness in your life. Be as careful for your soul as you would be for your physical body. You wouldn’t at all consider it wise to drink from the same cup, or share the same plate, with one who has a highly infectious disease. Isn’t sin as catching as the plague itself?
Your walk with Jesus is just that—your personal walk with Jesus. It doesn’t depend on circumstances or what others around you are doing. Jesus has entered your life to be your Savior, your Lord, and your best friend.
As Savior, Jesus breaks the power of sin and provides the strength to reject it, but if you choose to remain friends with the world, you make yourself vulnerable to failure. To give Jesus full control as Lord, any ungodly influences must be evicted from your life. As your best friend, Jesus has a purpose and a plan for your life. Listening to the voices of ungodly friends around you can completely drown out the sweet whispers of heaven.
Experience all that the Lord has in store for you by choosing your friends wisely.